
Tarot Readings: What Does the Next Year Hold?

  • 19 June, 2024

Tarot Readings: What Does the Next Year Hold?

Tarot Readings: What Does the Next Year Hold?

Curious about what the next year holds for you? Explore three insightful tarot readings. We have three decks: Healing, Harmony, and Renewal. First, pick a deck in your mind. Next, go to the section of the article for your chosen deck. Let the journey begin with your deck choice!

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Deck 1 - Healing

Eight Of Swords

Tarot Readings - Eight Of Swords

Nine Of Cups

Nine Of Cups

King Of Swords

King Of Swords

Tarot Reading

The synergy of the Eight Of Swords, Nine Of Cups, and King Of Swords suggests a transformative year. Initially, you may feel trapped or restricted, as indicated by the Eight Of Swords. However, the Nine Of Cups promises emotional fulfillment and wishes coming true. Finally, the King Of Swords signifies clarity, strong decision-making, and intellectual empowerment. Therefore, while the year begins with challenges, you will achieve happiness and mental strength. Expect a journey from constraint to ultimate satisfaction and wisdom.

Life Advice

For the next year, focus on breaking free from any mental limitations. Embrace personal growth and make decisive choices. Lucky numbers for you are 7, 11, and 22. Wear blue and green; they will bring you peace and clarity. Consider carrying an amethyst gemstone for spiritual insight. Place a piece of citrine in your workspace to attract positive energy. Finally, wearing silver jewelry will bring balance and clarity.

Deck 2 - Harmony

Page Of Pentacles

Tarot Readings - Page Of Pentacles

Ace Of Cups(Reversed)

Ace Of Cups(Reversed)

Six Of Pentacles

Six Of Pentacles

Tarot Reading

The Page of Pentacles signifies new opportunities in career or education. The Ace of Cups reversed suggests emotional blockages or missed opportunities in relationships. The Six of Pentacles indicates that generosity will play a significant role. Together, these cards highlight a year of new beginnings, emotional challenges, and acts of kindness. Transitioning through these phases, you must balance your material and emotional aspirations. Thus, expect growth but also be prepared for emotional work. The synergy suggests that generosity will help you overcome emotional hurdles.

Life Advice

Focus on career and educational opportunities in the next year. Emotional challenges might occur; stay open to self-care and reflection. March and August are particularly favorable months for new beginnings. Lucky numbers for you are 3, 7, and 12. Wear green or blue gemstones like turquoise for emotional balance. Display items made of jade or amethyst to attract positive energy. Engage in acts of kindness to balance emotional and material aspects.

Deck 3 - Renewal

Page Of Cups

Tarot Readings - Page Of Cups

Knight Of Pentacles(Reversed)

Knight Of Pentacles(Reversed)

Six Of Wands

King Of Swords

Tarot Reading

The combination of the Page of Cups, Knight of Pentacles (Reversed), and Six of Wands speaks volumes about the year ahead. Firstly, the Page of Cups indicates new beginnings filled with creativity and emotional growth. However, the Knight of Pentacles in reverse suggests a potential for stagnation due to over-cautiousness or lack of planning. Lastly, the Six of Wands heralds success and public recognition, emphasizing that perseverance is key. Therefore, while you might face some hurdles, the year promises emotional and professional victories. Stay open-minded and proactive to truly flourish.

Life Advice

Embrace new opportunities with optimism and creativity this year. Overcome stagnation by setting clear, actionable goals. March and April will be particularly favorable for professional growth. Your lucky numbers are 3, 7, and 21. Wear blue sapphires and emerald green to attract positive energies. Display a jade stone in your living space for good luck. Remember to celebrate small victories to maintain motivation and momentum.

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