
Tarot Reading: Past Life Influences

  • 18 June, 2024

Tarot Reading: Past Life Influences

Tarot Reading: Past Life Influences

Curious about what past life influences are affecting you now? In this article, we explore this inquiry using three distinct tarot decks: Forgiveness, Choices, and Protection. Each deck contains three revealing cards. First, pick one deck in your mind. Then, go to the section of the article dedicated to your chosen deck for your insightful reading.

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Deck 1 - Forgiveness

The Moon(Reversed)

Past Life - The Moon(Reversed)

Ace Of Swords(Reversed)

Ace Of Swords(Reversed)

Four Of Pentacles

Four Of Pentacles

Tarot Reading

The three cards you picked offer deep insights into your past life influences. The Moon (Reversed) suggests unresolved fears or confusion from a past life, likely affecting your intuition now. The Ace of Swords (Reversed) indicates mental blockages and communication issues, possibly rooted in past life struggles with expressing your truth. The Four of Pentacles signifies a need for security and control, hinting at past life experiences of scarcity. These cards together reveal a cycle of fear, mental blockage, and a need for control. Overcoming these requires confronting your fears and finding balance.

Life Advice

To move forward, confront your fears through meditation and self-reflection. Wear blue topaz jewelry to enhance clarity. Tuesday, October 18th is a perfect day to start. Lucky numbers for you are 4, 7, and 18. Incorporate shades of blue and green in your outfits for good energy. Display amethyst crystals in your home for emotional balance. Avoid any major financial decisions during geomagnetic storming on October 30th.

Deck 2 - Choices

The Devil

Past Life - The Devil

Six Of Swords(Reversed)

Six Of Swords(Reversed)

Page Of Cups(Reversed)

Page Of Cups(Reversed)

Tarot Reading

The cards chosen signify strong past life influences impacting your present. The Devil indicates past life entanglements, possibly addictions or toxic relationships. The Six of Swords (Reversed) suggests you're struggling to move on from these past burdens. Meanwhile, the Page of Cups (Reversed) hints at emotional immaturity or blocked creativity from that life. Consequently, these energies might be causing current emotional turbulence. Together, these cards call for introspection and release.

Life Advice

To mitigate these influences, focus on emotional healing this week. Wear or carry amethyst for clarity and serenity. Consider journaling under the waxing gibbous moon for deeper insights. Additionally, surround yourself with the color blue for calmness and protection. Avoid negative influences, especially on Tuesday. Your lucky numbers are 3, 7, and 9. Displaying a small, personal item from the water element, like a seashell, can bring balance.

Deck 3 - Protection

Eight Of Pentacles(Reversed)

Past Life - Eight Of Pentacles(Reversed)

Eight Of Wands

Eight Of Wands

Two Of Pentacles

Four Of Pentacles

Tarot Reading

The Eight of Pentacles (Reversed) suggests a past life where you struggled with mastering skills. Transitioning to the Eight of Wands, it indicates rapid changes and communication challenges from that life influencing you now. Additionally, the Two of Pentacles shows your past life forced you to juggle multiple responsibilities, causing imbalance. Together, these cards reveal a synergy of growth hindered by past rapid changes and multitasking. As a result, you may feel overwhelmed and struggle to focus on one thing at a time.

Life Advice

To mitigate past life influences, focus on mastering one skill at a time. Engage in grounding activities on Tuesdays, especially around June 18. Lucky numbers for you are 2 and 8; wear or display items in green and brown colors. Garnet and jasper gemstones will bring balance. Avoid multitasking and embrace simplicity. Display or wear a piece of jewelry featuring a pentacle to attract good fortune. Remember, small steps taken steadily lead to significant progress.

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