
Tarot Insights: What Does The Universe Want Me To Know?

  • 27 May, 2024

Tarot Insights: What Does The Universe Want Me To Know?

Tarot Insights: What Does The Universe Want Me To Know?

Curious about what the universe wants you to know right now? In this article, we'll explore readings from three different tarot decks: Release, Surrender, and Prosperity. Each deck contains three cards tailored to your current inquiry. First, take a moment to choose a deck in your mind. Then, go to the section of the article based on your chosen deck for your personalized reading.

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Deck 1 - Release

Three Of Pentacles

Tarot Insights - Three Of Pentacles

Seven Of Pentacles(Reversed)

Seven Of Pentacles(Reversed)

The Emperor(Reversed)

The Emperor(Reversed)

Tarot Reading

The Three of Pentacles signifies collaboration and teamwork. This card suggests that the universe is acknowledging your hard work and dedication. However, the reversed Seven of Pentacles indicates impatience and lack of progress, which may be causing you frustration. The Emperor reversed suggests mismanagement or feeling out of control. Therefore, the universe wants you to know the importance of patience and proper planning. It's crucial to reassess your strategies and work harmoniously with others.

Life Advice

The universe urges you to remain patient and reassess your goals by the next new moon. Wear a piece of jewelry with garnet for stability. Display a jade plant in your workspace to attract harmony. Your lucky numbers are 3, 7, and 4. Wear the color green to invite calmness and growth. Schedule a meeting with a mentor next Monday. Collaborate with colleagues to find new solutions.

Deck 2 - Surrender

Two Of Swords(Reversed)

Tarot Insights - Two Of Swords(Reversed)

Eight Of Pentacles

Eight Of Pentacles

Six Of Swords(Reversed)

Six Of Swords(Reversed)

Tarot Reading

The Three-Card Tarot Deck you picked offers a profound message. The Two of Swords (Reversed) suggests that you are currently facing indecision or confusion. Coupled with the Eight of Pentacles, it indicates that hard work and skill development are key right now. The Six of Swords (Reversed) implies that you may feel stuck or resistant to change. Combining these cards, the universe is urging you to confront your indecisiveness and invest in personal growth. Ultimately, moving forward may require you to break free from old patterns.

Life Advice

The universe wants you to focus on clarity and hard work right now. Consider meditating for mental clarity this Monday. Wear blue or green gemstones, like turquoise or jade, for balance. Display a small plant or crystal on your desk to attract positive energy. Your lucky numbers are 3, 7, and 9. Avoid making hasty decisions, and seek advice from a mentor. Consistent effort will bring you success and peace.

Deck 3 - Prosperity

Five Of Cups

Tarot Insights - Five Of Cups

Ten Of Pentacles(Reversed)

Ten Of Pentacles(Reversed)


The Emperor(Reversed)

Tarot Reading

The Five of Cups represents regret and disappointment. The Ten of Pentacles (Reversed) suggests instability in matters of legacy and wealth. Justice signifies the need for balance and fairness. Together, these cards suggest an emotional loss affecting your sense of stability. However, fairness and truth will eventually restore balance. This synergy indicates a transformative period where emotional healing is crucial. Ultimately, seeking fairness will bring long-term stability.

Life Advice

Focus on healing emotional wounds starting this week. Wear an amethyst gemstone for clarity and balance. Your lucky numbers are 3, 7, and 11. Display a justice symbol in your home for fairness. Avoid financial risks and seek legal advice if needed. Additionally, light lavender-scented candles for peace and clarity. Take actions on Wednesday for the best results.

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