
Past Life: Tarot Readings with Three Unique Decks

  • 19 June, 2024

Past Life: Tarot Readings with Three Unique Decks

Past Life: Tarot Readings with Three Unique Decks

Curious about past life influences? Today, we'll explore this with three different tarot decks. Each deck includes three cards: Adaptation, Balance, and Forgiveness. First, pick a deck in your mind. Then, go to the section of the article based on your chosen deck. Ready to uncover your past life influences? Let's begin!

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Deck 1 - Adaptation

Queen Of Cups(Reversed)

Past Life - Queen Of Cups(Reversed)



The Hanged Man

The Hanged Man

Tarot Reading

The Queen of Cups (Reversed) indicates emotional instability or blocked intuition from a past life affecting your present. Justice signifies karmic balance; past actions are now influencing current circumstances. The Hanged Man suggests a need for a new perspective, indicating you might be stagnating from past life patterns. Together, these cards reveal a complex interplay of unresolved emotions, karma, and the need for new insights. This synergy suggests embracing introspection and balance to break free from past influences.

Life Advice

To address these past-life influences, focus on emotional balance and seek new perspectives. Meditate daily, especially in the mornings. Surround yourself with calming blue or green colors. Carry amethyst or turquoise gemstones for emotional support. Wear jewelry that includes these stones to attract positive energy. Your lucky numbers are 3, 7, and 9. Attend a peaceful nature retreat this weekend to rejuvenate your soul. Consider displaying a Justice symbol to remind you of karmic balance.

Deck 2 - Balance

Six Of Wands(Reversed)

Past Life - Six Of Wands(Reversed)

The Chariot(Reversed)

The Chariot(Reversed)

Ace Of Pentacles

Ace Of Pentacles

Tarot Reading

The Six of Wands (Reversed) suggests that past life feelings of inadequacy are affecting you now. The Chariot (Reversed) indicates struggles with control and direction stemming from a previous lifetime. Meanwhile, the Ace of Pentacles highlights missed opportunities from the past. Together, these cards reveal struggles with self-worth, control, and opportunity. Transitioning from these influences requires focus and effort. However, the Ace of Pentacles also promises new beginnings. Embrace these influences to foster personal growth.

Life Advice

Given your inquiry, focus on building self-worth and gaining control in your current life. Wear citrine jewelry to attract positive energy. Display a jade gemstone at home for luck and prosperity. Your lucky numbers are 3, 7, and 19. Incorporate the color green into your wardrobe. Thursday is a favorable day for new beginnings. Embrace these influences and take proactive steps to succeed.

Deck 3 - Forgiveness

King Of Wands(Reversed)

Past Life - King Of Wands(Reversed)

Page Of Swords(Reversed)

Page Of Swords(Reversed)

Two Of Pentacles(Reversed)

The Hanged Man

Tarot Reading

The reversed King of Wands suggests a past life where ambition was unchecked. This energy now causes hesitations. Meanwhile, the reversed Page of Swords indicates past misunderstandings and impulsivity, influencing your current caution. Finally, the reversed Two of Pentacles shows a past life struggling with balance, affecting present-day decision-making. Together, these cards show conflicting energies affecting your confidence. Understanding these influences helps in making balanced choices.

Life Advice

To neutralize these past influences, wear turquoise jewelry for balance. On Wednesdays, meditate to clear impulsive thoughts. Avoid making key decisions on the 19th of each month. Your lucky numbers are 5, 11, and 23. Decorate your space with sunflowers to boost positivity. Use blue and green tones in your surroundings for harmony. Avoid wearing red during significant events to maintain calmness.

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