
Career Path Inquiry: Explore Liberation, Connection, Journey Decks

  • 17 May, 2024

Career Path Inquiry: Explore Liberation, Connection, Journey Decks

Career Path Inquiry: Explore Liberation, Connection, Journey Decks

Curious about your career path? Let's explore three tarot card decks—Liberation, Connection, and Journey. Each deck has three cards to guide you. First, pick a deck that resonates with you. Then, go to the section of the article for your chosen deck. This reading will help illuminate your career path possibilities.

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Liberation Deck - Career Path

Two Of Cups(Reversed)

Page Of Wands

Nine Of Cups

Career Path - Two Of Cups(Reversed) Page Of Wands Nine Of Cups

Tarot Reading - Career Path

The Two of Cups (Reversed) suggests a misalignment or lack of harmony in partnerships or collaborations, which could affect your career choices. The Page of Wands indicates a period of inspiration and enthusiasm for new ventures, hinting at the potential for exploration and creativity. The Nine of Cups, a card of satisfaction and fulfillment, suggests that you are on the verge of achieving your career dreams. Together, these cards highlight the need to align your passions with your work and seek new opportunities that excite you. As a result, following your heart and embracing new challenges will bring you closer to career satisfaction.

Life Advice - Career Path

Pursue a career that aligns with your creative passions and allows for personal growth. Start exploring opportunities this month, focusing on roles that excite you. Wear jewelry with citrine to enhance creativity and confidence. Displaying a piece of amethyst in your workspace can also bring clarity and calmness. Your lucky numbers are 5, 7, and 17. Colors like yellow and purple will boost positive energy. Avoid making hasty decisions on Friday, as the geomagnetic activity may impact judgment.

Connection Deck - Career Path

Queen Of Cups(Reversed)

The Empress(Reversed)

Two Of Swords

Career Path - Queen Of Cups(Reversed) The Empress(Reversed) Two Of Swords

Tarot Reading - Career Path

The reversed Queen of Cups suggests emotional imbalance and a need for self-care. The Empress reversed indicates creative blocks and feeling disconnected from your intuitive self. Additionally, the Two of Swords reveals a state of indecision and needing to make a difficult choice. Consequently, these cards indicate a struggle between your emotional well-being and creative expression. Therefore, you need to find a career that balances both elements, providing emotional support while allowing creative freedom.

Life Advice - Career Path

Pursue a career in therapeutic arts, focusing on roles like art therapy or creative coaching. Start exploring these fields by the next full moon. Consider wearing aquamarine jewelry for emotional balance and clarity. Shades of blue and green will bring you good luck. Focus on self-care and meditation to avoid emotional burnout. Use citrine gemstones to enhance creativity and decision-making skills. Your lucky numbers are 3, 7, and 9.

Journey Deck - Career Path

Knight Of Cups(Reversed)

Five Of Cups

Ace Of Wands(Reversed)

Career Path - Knight Of Cups(Reversed) Five Of Cups Ace Of Wands(Reversed)

Tarot Reading - Career Path

The Knight of Cups (Reversed) suggests a lack of direction and commitment in your career. Moreover, the Five of Cups indicates past disappointments affecting your present decisions. Meanwhile, the Ace of Wands (Reversed) symbolizes a delay in pursuing new opportunities. Together, these cards suggest a need for reflection before making a career move. Therefore, take time to address emotional and creative blocks before proceeding.

Life Advice - Career Path

Given the current moon phase and geomagnetic activities, focus on self-discovery this Friday. Engage in activities that uplift your spirit. Wear jewelry with amethyst for clarity. Display a citrine stone at your workplace to attract positivity. Your lucky numbers are 7 and 17. Consider wearing blue to enhance your decision-making skills. Reflect on past experiences to guide your future career path.

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