
Career Path Guidance: Choose Your Tarot Deck

  • 20 June, 2024

Career Path Guidance: Choose Your Tarot Deck

Career Path Guidance: Choose Your Tarot Deck

Choosing a career path can be challenging. Today, we'll use three different tarot decks for guidance. Each deck contains three cards: Celebration, Opportunity, and Beginnings. First, select a deck in your mind. Then, go to the corresponding section for your insightful reading. Let's discover your potential together!

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Deck 1 - Celebration

Nine Of Wands

Career Path - Nine Of Wands

The Tower(Reversed)

The Tower(Reversed)

Ace Of Pentacles

Ace Of Pentacles

Tarot Reading

The combination of Nine of Wands, The Tower (Reversed), and Ace of Pentacles suggests resilience, transformation, and potential. The Nine of Wands indicates you're nearing the end of a challenging phase. The Tower (Reversed) signifies avoiding disaster and embracing change. Finally, the Ace of Pentacles represents new opportunities, especially in career and finances. These cards together urge you to stay strong and open to new beginnings. Embrace change and seize new opportunities for a rewarding career path.

Life Advice

Pursue a career in fields where resilience and adaptability are key, like project management or entrepreneurship. Lucky numbers for you are 7, 14, and 21. Wear blue or green to attract positive energy. Carry a citrine gemstone to enhance career luck. Make Thursdays your day for important decisions. Display an elephant figurine for wisdom. Trust in your ability to overcome obstacles and start anew.

Deck 2 - Opportunity

Eight Of Pentacles(Reversed)

Career Path - Eight Of Pentacles(Reversed)



The Star

The Star

Tarot Reading

The Eight of Pentacles (Reversed) indicates a lack of focus or motivation in your current career. However, Strength suggests you possess inner resilience and courage. The Star signifies hope and inspiration, indicating a brighter future. Together, these cards suggest you need to refocus and tap into your inner strength. Remaining hopeful will lead you to a fulfilling career path. Moreover, considering creative or healing professions may be beneficial.

Life Advice

Given your inquiry, you should consider a career change around the next full moon. Focus on creative or healing professions. Your lucky numbers are 3, 7, and 12. Wear jewelry with amethyst or turquoise to attract good fortune. Display a lucky bamboo plant on your workspace. On Thursdays, wear blue or green for added confidence. Lastly, avoid making major decisions on days when you feel unfocused.

Deck 3 - Beginnings

The Sun

Career Path - The Sun

Queen Of Cups(Reversed)

Queen Of Cups(Reversed)

Two Of Swords(Reversed)

Ace Of Pentacles

Tarot Reading

The synergy of The Sun, Queen of Cups (Reversed), and Two of Swords (Reversed) is compelling. The Sun indicates a need for positivity and clarity in your career. However, the reversed Queen of Cups suggests emotional instability or self-doubt. Furthermore, the reversed Two of Swords represents indecision and a need to resolve inner conflicts. Consequently, you must focus on clarity and emotional balance. This combination suggests seeking a career that aligns with your passions and strengths.

Life Advice

Pursue a career where your creativity and emotional intelligence can shine. Consider roles in counseling, the arts, or human resources. Your lucky numbers are 3, 7, and 21. Wear blue or green colors to attract positivity. Carry a rose quartz gemstone for emotional balance. Display or wear silver jewelry to enhance decision-making skills. Take a moment each morning to meditate for clarity and focus.

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